Check out the Shapely TV Series Premiere

Shapely Events is continuing to roll into 2018 with a bang! One of the things we’re rolling out the Shapely TV series! We receive such great responses from our videos and thought why not make a show out of it? You asked, we listen. Check out our first episode.

What to Expect From Shapely TV

Shapely TV is doing things a bit different and mixing things up. We have different segments and make it a point to keep our episodes around 20 minutes long.  We have different guests discussing different topics meaningful to the plus size community and/or life in general but given from the perspective of a plus size person. Some of our segments/show highlights include but are not limited to:

Big News

This is Big News for Big People.  If you haven't guessed already we will choose one or two topics creating some buzz in the plus size community.  This can also be a topic that may affect people in the plus size community.  The topics change from month to month so stay tuned.  You the viewer can always contact us and let us know of anything buzz worthy and potentially have it be featured here.  Better yet? You can even be a guest on the show and report your own Big News story. 

Viewer of the Month

At Shapely Events we greatly value or followers, customers, and supporters.  As such, we choose to highlight one per month in our "Viewer of the Month" segment. We choose one of you that are doing it big, making an impact, and/or showing support to highlight.  The viewer of the month also gets an awesome gift to commemorate his or her level of greatness.  So don't be afraid to live out loud and stand out.  You never know whose watching.

Top Events

As Shapely Events started as a listing for Plus Size events, it’s only right that we highlight some top plus size and/or plus size friendly events. This is not limited to parties. This is inclusive of travel opportunities, getaways, bashes, social opportunities, mixers and whatever else is out there. 

Get On The Show

If you would like to be a guest on our show please contact us. We are always looking for plus size men and women that have something to say. Interested in doing a segment? Do you have a talent? We would be happy to feature you. 

You can also contribute by offering your opinion, comments, and/or feedback. We want to hear from you!


Shapely TV Ep. 2: Boobs, Bathing Suits & Body Positivity!


New Year New You? No! New Year Better You!