New Year. Best You.


Life can be fun and beautiful but it also comes with hurdles and challenges. 2019 was a very difficult year for me but I found the most important thing I needed to do was to focus on my mental health and overall wellness. What does wellness mean to you? For me wellness embodies three things, a calm and safe space, positive people and connections and a peaceful mindset. Therefore, I want to share some tips to help you not be a new version of yourself but to become the best version of yourself. Here are a few things you can do to keep you focused and grounded:

  1. Tend to your mental health. Stop putting other things first. Those other things can be work, obligations, etc.

  2. Express yourself. I found this book: Q&A…. 5 years, 1,825 Answers which was gifted to me for Christmas has been very insightful as I attend to my own mental health and self-healing. I also found that writing poetry and talking to my friends to be therapeutic

  3. Do what you've always wanted to do. Don’t let doubt hold you hostage. Sometimes we let that little voice in our minds tell us that we’re too fat, too broke, too inexperienced to pursue the things we dream of. Let’s throw that out in 2020 and just do it.

Therefore, I hope that these tips help you and as they are helping me to be the best that I can be. Life is about evolving and continuing to learn. Make 2020 the year that you attend to honing the skills to evolve year after year.

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