5 Benefits of sleeping naked
I sleep naked and
you should too.
One night out and about during the pandemic I decided to go to a party with a friend. After plenty of drinks and Soca music I stumbled back home, took a shower and sprawled across my bed sans clothes. I remember how cool my body felt as I drifted off into never land. That morning I woke up so refreshed. I still had a hangover but overall I did sleep well. I slept so good that I thought, “What are the benefits of sleeping naked?”
After spending some time scouring the internet I came across a few articles but here are my top five reasons why I encourage you to try sleeping naked.
Sleep Better. According to the National Institute of Health’s 2021 study. The temperature of the room that you sleep in is a critical factor in sleep quality. If it’s too cold or hot it can affect your dream stage of sleep which refreshes your mind and body. Thus, sleeping naked is a great way to stay cool beneath the sheets.
If you’re a woman, sleeping naked is really good for your lady parts. How so, well the lack of tight-fitting underwear reduces the risk of a yeast infection and allows your kitty to breathe. Fellas if you want to be fruitful and multiply, sleeping naked can increase male fertility. Apparently, there was a study of 656 males that suggests there is a link between wearing tight-fitting underwear and sperm count.
Sleeping naked is great for your sex life but can also increase your connection with your partner. One study suggests discovered skin-to-skin contact between adults stimulates the release of oxytocin, which is important in building a sense of attachment between lovers.
Keep the pounds off. Research has shown that there is a connection between weight gain in inadequate sleep. Sleeping naked can help keep you trim because your body would be cooler at night and it may boost your calorie-burn abilities.
Beauty rest for everyone. Sleeping naked can increase your skin's health. A small study found that the group that received adequate sleep recovered faster than the other test groups. Which means that getting enough sleep could improve your skin recovery and sleeping naked can possibly help you get enough sleep.
In short, I hope I convinced you to start sleeping naked too. I’m on my third night and I honestly don’t think I’m going back to clothes. If we must list a downside then that would be remembering to keep a robe by the bed. That way you can cover quickly in an emergency. Please share with us in the comments if you sleep naked and why? I’m dying to know.