Bash 101: For the people

In previous Bash 101 videos, we discussed some things we would like to see from the event organizers, what to pack, and tips for the newbies. In this video we are going to highlight some tips for the people who are no longer new and attend none the less.

From the Episode:

  1. Be Polite. Did you know that being polite costs nothing? Do we really have to go over the golden rule: "do onto others"? Yeah, it still applies, even into adulthood.

  2. There are ways to complain: The random Facebook rants do not go over too well. Stick to the facts and submit your feedback through the appropriate channels.

  3. Promote with permission: Anything else is just rude.

  4. Welcome the newbies: You were a newbie once, need we say more?

  5. Size Discrimination: You do not like it when society does it. So let us not bring that bad behavior to our space.

  6. Girl Fight?: We think not!

  7. Let’s Party!

The Bash 101 series was created to help our community. If you missed any part of this series, see below for previous posts.

Bash 101: For the newbies

Bash 101: What to pack


Are Some Plus Size Body Types Under Represented?


How To Date a Fat Girl!