Do guys like big girls IRL?

Do guys like big girls in real life or is it still taboo? Join hosts Brooks Nelson, Latoya Burris and special guest Justin "Teddy" Harris as we discuss this sizzling topic. In this episode, we go back and forth on the validity of the matter.

Do guys like big girls in real life or is it still taboo? Join hosts Brooks Nelson, Latoya Burris and special guest Justin "Teddy" Harris as we discuss this sizzling topic. In this episode, we go back and forth on the validity of the matter. Plus, did you know that you can now leave us a voicemail? We received a substantial amount of feedback that the listeners want to call in and now you can do just that by dialing in and leaving us a message at 347.464.9271. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Weigh-In podcast by Shapely features conversations with co-hosts Latoya Burris and Brooks Nelson. As they deep dive into taboo topics impacting the plus size community.


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