Discover our Fatshionable Style Icon of the Month, Jessy Parr of Modachrome

Source: Modachrome via Instagram

Jessy Parr

Fatshionable is a new feature highlighting a style icon that we think should be on your fashion radar. This month’s style icon is Jessy Parr of Modachrome (@modachrome). Jessy is a plus size model, photographer, beer drinker, hell raiser, messy legend and the light of your life as stated on her IG profile. We are not sure if you agree with her or not but one thing is for certain, Jessy is serving much style and grace on the internet and beyond.

Whether it’s her vlog tutorial on Seattle Dogs which include a hot dog, sautéed onions and cream cheese on a bun or a super dope photo serving “The Craft” like vibes. Jessy is super relatable and unlike other personalities on Instagram, she’s far from obnoxious. She also has an amazing ear for music and can seamlessly put together a story with sound without flaw. With all this talent, we can’t get enough of Jessy and want to give her a big shout out for being super bad ass and the Shapely Fatshionista of the month.

Photo: Courtesy of Instagram/@modachrome

To learn more about Jessy feel free to follow her on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and or Facebook. If you would like to featured as a Fatshionable style icon, please email Shapely at

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