Video Consent and
Release Agreement

The undersigned enters into the following agreement (“Agreement”) with Shapely Events LLC and its affiliates (“Producer”). I have been informed that Producer is capturing footage and that my name, likeness, image, voice, appearance and/or performance is being recorded and made part of the recording in which I appear (“Product”).

  1. I grant Producer and its designees the right to use the Product in any format, now known or later developed. I grant, without limitation, the right to edit, mix or duplicate and use or re-use Product in whole or in parts as Producer may elect. Producer or its designees have complete ownership of the Product, including copyright interests.

  2. I grant Producer and its designees the right to broadcast, exhibit, market and otherwise distribute the Product, in whole or in parts, and alone or with other products, for any purpose Producer or its designees determine. This grant includes the right to use Product for promoting or publicizing.

  3. I have the right to enter into Agreement and am not restricted by commitments to third parties.

  4. Producer has no financial commitment or obligations to me as a result of Agreement.