It’s a Freaky October

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This month we’re excited to roll out our Freaky October issue. As we adjust quickly to the Fall season here in NYC, we’re all excited about doing activities like pumpkin picking and of course dressing up in fun costumes for the highly anticipated holiday — Halloween. I’m also very thrilled to announce the return of Shapely's podcast series, The Weigh-In, which will be dropping on October 4 with our dynamic duo Brooks Nelson and Latoya Burris. 

That’s not all the things on our radar. Many of us are preparing not only for the upcoming Flu Season, but also taking precautions for the second wave of COVID-19. Altogether, this can be quite scary for many of us. There is still so much going in the world that impacts me personally as well as those around me. It’s quite frustrating to see that Breonna Taylor and her family still will not receive the true justice that they deserve. However, I end this note with hope that we at Shapely can bring some brightness and continue our commitment to body positivity, diversity and the fight against systematic racism.  

In short, I hope you like our premier issue as we shift to a more editorial focus. If you would like to share some thoughts or comments, please contact me directly at Hope you enjoy!


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