Fatty Friendly
This is one of my favorite issues as it is one of my favorite topics. With a long-standing passion for sharing information about different places and spaces, this issue is jam packed with content and events related to just that.

Back to… Normal?
For some, it’s back to school season. For others that have been working from home, it’s back to the office. For those of us that missed traveling, it’s back outside which leads me to believe that we are somewhat getting back to... normal?

We Outside!
The world is opening up and we're pretty excited about it. So much so that we've packed this issue with plenty of travel related content full of tips, hacks and fatty friendly places and spaces.

Every ‘BODY’ deserves wellness.
In previous years, when one thought of the word “wellness,” the image of a plus size body did not come to mind. Now in 2021, with the body positive revolution in full swing, what we envision when we hear certain words are starting to change.

Inclusion and Equity for All
June is a big month here at Shapely. Dubbing myself a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion champion, this issue is jam packed with all things "DE&I." Not only do we amplify the voices of specific groups acknowledging them by name, we are also acknowledging that there are many intersectionalities that make us well, us!

Fat and Active? Yes You Can!
May is here! While some of us are excited, some of us are dreading the season where the sun is plentiful but clothing is scarce. We’re doing that double-take in the mirror wondering if our bodies are ready for the Summer. I am here to tell you that it sure is!

You Can Do More Than Clean This Spring
Spring has arrived! The cold weather is behind us and I'm looking forward to flowers blooming, birds chirping, and feet moving. We've been stuck in the house for so long, I'm starting to blend in with the furniture.

This month is all about Impactful Plus Size Women
March is here and it is one of my favorite months of the year. The weather starts to break and becomes a bit warmer. Snow becomes a thing of the past, we begin planning our Summer fun and it’s Women's History month!

It’s All Love
January was a month of reflection and it flew by pretty quickly. With that said, we hereby dub February the month of appreciation.

Out With The Old
“New Year, New Me”is so 2020. It’s the first month of 2021 and Shapely is focusing on doing away with the old.

Spread Holiday Cheer
This month we’re spreading holiday cheer. It’s been a tumultuous year for some and as such, we may not be rolling into the holiday season with the same vigor as we did years prior. With that said, Shapely has curated content to put a smile on your face, even if only for a moment. What do we have in store you ask?

This month we’re pleased to continue with our editorial style roll out. We’re thankful for all the positive feedback we’ve received since the transition. Speaking of thankful, with the holidays right around the corner, this month’s focus will shine a light on friends, family and togetherness.

It’s a Freaky October
This month we’re excited to roll out our Freaky October issue. As we adjust quickly to the Fall season here in NYC, we’re all excited about doing activities like pumpkin picking and of course dressing up in fun costumes for the highly anticipated holiday — Halloween.
From heartbreak to triumph, Frankie Red has faced it all—loss, betrayal, abuse, and the battle with mental health. But she didn’t just survive—she rose, stronger than ever.