Black and Plus Size People and Brands You Should Support This Black History Month

plus size photographer

Written by: Latoya Burris and Iya Thomas

We are celebrating Black History Month by featuring plus size Black business owners and brands that you should get to know and support. To start this weekly series, we're starting with super charismatic and well-known photographer, "Franklin" Douglas Stout. Check back every week until the end of the month for a new a feature in our Black History Month series.

 Who is your Black History hero and why? 

My Black History heroes are the Black men that served in our wars, WWII and Vietnam. I respect them for having the courage to fight for a country that treated them poorly due to the color of their skin. They fought for the liberation of foreigners, when freedom in their own country did not exist. However, they pushed to take the hard jobs. Our Black soldiers tolerated injustice and slights at every turn. They persevered and proved themselves on the battle field. Moreover, that earned a level of respect that was hard to deny. In addition, this has helped to dismantle the justification for some of the laws that have held us down as a people. Joining the military has been a way up to navigate out of poverty for many Black families. I am forever in their debt. 

 How do you plan to make an impact as a Black member of the plus size community?

 I try to be inclusive through my photography by treating everyone regardless of race or size with respect. White women and Black men are the majority of the active members in the community. Through my photography I go out of my way to capture all races that attend plus size events. During these events I try to make everyone feel welcome as I ask to take their photograph. I then ensure to post photographs that represent the diversity that is present in the plus size community. I believe this helps make under-represented groups of people feel welcome. It is important for me to be amicable when working with guests and to capture the fun at the events. As a result I have received good feedback from the plus size community which is essential to me.

 Tell us a fun fact about myself.

I am horrible at remembering peoples names. Tell me your name and five minutes later I have probably forgotten it. But If I take your picture, chances are I will never forget your face. There are people who’s names I didn’t remember but I can remember the time and place I took their picture. Even if I took the picture years prior.

Want to work with Franklyn? Connect with him on Instagram @pbsmediagroup.


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