Every “Body” Has Body Image Issues

Body image insecurities have long plagued people of size. It's easy to see how someone who doesn't fit society's standard of beauty, can be consumed by everything they perceive to be "wrong" with them. What if we told you that the person you may think has the "ideal" body type, may have body image insecurities as well?

In this episode of Shapely TV you'll see how a chance conversation led to a perception shattering dialogue between two people on the opposite side of the body image spectrum. Who knew a person of size and a collegiate track and field star can feel similarly about their bodies, but for different reasons.

Hosts: Iya Thomas
Appearances by: Axum Browne
Music by: Michael Ramir C., Banjo Man in Africa
Edited by: Iya Thomas

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Iya Thomas

Iya is the Founder and Chief Brand Officer of Shapely. Iya is committed to inspiring people of size to crush inhibitions, champion their community and live their best plus sized life! You can follow her on Instagram @cutebydefinition.


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