How Can White People Support POC Through Racial Injustice

With all that's going on in the world we felt it our duty to provide our non POC (People of Color) counterparts, most of whom may not be familiar with the sensitives of POC, a guide to a better understanding of how to support them though racial injustices. After you’ve watched this video show it to your friends, your family members, your significant others, heck show it to everyone!

Hopefully we captured everything. If we didn’t feel free to contact us and/or leave us a comment. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe!

The tees below were designed to make a statement, show pride, and promote solidarity. 60% of the profit from these tees will be donated to voting initiative organizations in an effort to increase voter turnout in disparaged communities. Please purchase to support the cause today.

If you’re a business and would like to know how to support POC, please check out our previous blog post. “How Can Business Support People of Color Through Racial Injustice”


National Best Friends Day


How Can Businesses Support POC Through Racial Injustice