Show Us Your Curves

With the body positive or “bopo” revolution marching on, we mainly see the byproduct of this in fashion, style or beauty. What about television programming? Ask yourself, when was the last time you saw a person of size that wasn’t the comedic relief or the only person of size in the scene. Guess what networks? We’re tired of being the “Fat Amy’s” or the less desirable person that takes one for the team.

That’s where Skyy Blair comes in. Skyy is the writer, creator and supervising producer of the show Curves. We had the pleasure of interviewing her for this month’s episode of Shapely TV. Press play to see her inspiration, how she got started and what seeing glimpses of herself on screen means to her.

Have you watched the episode of Curves? If so, feel free to share what it meant to you in the comments. If you haven’t, click here to watch Curves. Want more from Skyy? Click here to visit Skyy’s website where you can view more of her work.

Hosts: Iya Thomas and Sharon Mendez
Appearance by: Skyy Blair
Music by: Michael Ramir C., “Banjo Man in Africa”
Edited by: Iya Thomas

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Iya Thomas

Iya is the Founder and Chief Brand Officer of Shapely. Iya is committed to inspiring people of size to crush inhibitions, champion their community and live their best plus sized life! You can follow her on Instagram @cutebydefinition.


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Fatty Friendly