The Vivacious Comedian and Style Icon, Leslie Rodriguez is Serving More than Laughs.
Check out the the fashionista and comedian, Leslie Rodgriguez as Shapely’s Fatshionable Style Icon.
Thick, Fit and Not Your Average
When you think of the words dancer, athlete, runner and even yoga instructor, what picture comes to mind? Chances are you envision the same body type society has shoved in our faces for ages. Well let’s shake things up a bit.
Fat and Active? Yes You Can!
May is here! While some of us are excited, some of us are dreading the season where the sun is plentiful but clothing is scarce. We’re doing that double-take in the mirror wondering if our bodies are ready for the Summer. I am here to tell you that it sure is!
Shapely TV: Is Cuffing Season Over?
Typically people are boo'd up for the winter. Your hosts Iya, Toya and Sharon pose the question: Are you keeping your cuffing season bae or is it time to come out of hibernation for a Spring fling?
DeShawn Pennix, Founder of 100 Brawn is Making Streetwear More Inclusive
Join Brooks and Toya for a new episode of The Weigh-In podcast featuring special guest, DeShawn Pennix, Founder of streetwear brand, 100 Brawn.
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