Drop Some Coins at these Women-Owned Brands
It’s Women’s History Month! With Shapely being a woman-owned brand, it was very befitting to highlight these 5 brands that are also owned by amazing women.
Photo Credit: NomadSwimwear.com
Nomad Swimwear
Plus Size Resort wear
Taylor, the founder and CEO of Nomads has been exposed to the glacial pace that the fashion industry has taken when it comes to making size inclusion a priority. Throughout her time as a plus size model, this became apparent while on swimwear jobs where she was having to model matronly and modest swim styles made for curvy and plus size women. She was often left wondering, who would wear these? Where are the cute brands that have extended sizing?
She soon realized that there are very few swimwear brands that make fun, sexy swim that caters to all sizes. Enter Nomads Swimwear. At Nomads, they’re bridging the gap by offering continuity across sizes in their chic, bold swim styles to show that real size inclusion is possible! It is their belief that everyone should have access to the same style of clothing, no matter their size. They offer sizing from small to 4X! To learn more about Nomads Swimwear visit their website.
Sew N Sew N Sew Designs
Warm N Toasty
On March 16, 2020, Jillian’s supervisor announced that everyone would be laid off indefinitely due to Covid-19. Faced with that unexpected news, she had to figure out how to make a living for herself. She was also very recently divorced. When it was announced that everyone needed to wear masks, the light bulb in my head went off. I knew if I could make wedding dresses and men’s suits, I could definitely make masks. “It was a chance to reconnect with my sewing passion that I've had since I was 11 years old.”
Her daughter set up an Etsy site and put a call out to her friends. The rest is history. One of Jillian's latest creations is the Warm N Toasty. It is long and quite wide so it will cover your whole body and feet. It also has a foot pouch and huge pockets to hold all your stuff. Click here to visit their Etsy shop. If you would like 25% off the Warm N Toasty , use code “SHAPELY” at checkout. Never give up on your passion!
Photo Credit: KeepYourCadence.com
Personal Care Capsules
Steph started cadence because she needed cadence - on many gym-to-work mornings, dates, weekend adventures, and a thousand other memories. She was on a climbing trip when she first noticed other people needed a solution: one that was supportive of both the environment and their multiplicity as athlete, urbanite, and individual with a personal care routine.
Besides providing an amazing solution for the globetrotter and gym-goer, Cadence is also making an impact. The negative impact of the portable personal care industry has largely been ignored. Today, all of their capsules are made with 20% recycled ocean-bound plastic and 30% reused scrap plastic. They’ve spoken to several companies and plastic experts to make sure they’re part of a long term solution. Cadence has built out a team of engineers, manufacturers and advisors and are working to get to a sustainable solution as quickly as possible.
Purchase your Cadence capsules on Amazon.com.
Photo Credit: Secondhand Curves
Secondhand Curves
Plus Size Resale
Rachel Cadie, founding owner of Secondhand Curves Resale, is a fun loving outgoing gem with a passion for affordable fashion. It is difficult and one may say at times impossible, to find secondhand plus size clothing. If you do, chances are the article isn’t even on trend. Secondhand Curves changed the resale game.
Rachel started Secondhand Curves because she herself found it difficult to find clothing than not only fit, but was cute and didn't cost an arm and a leg. The store In Rockford has been open for about 8 years and Rachel recently opened another location in Bloomingdale, Illinois. At both locations you can buy, sell and trade clothing for store credit. Reselling for one to reuse is not only great for your wallet, but awesome for the environment. With two locations in the Chicago area, Rachel is providing affordable on trend options in a comfortable atmosphere for people of size to enjoy. Visit Secondhand Curves today.
Photo Credit: CarCache.com
Car Caché®
Car Bag Holder
Perplexed that there was no specific place to store her bag while driving, keeping it clean and easily accessible, Catherine Seifert was determined to solve this dilemma. As with most inventors, inspiration struck at just the right time, and Catherine’s idea for the Car Caché® was born.
As the consummate entrepreneur, Catherine enthusiastically set about creating her very first Car Caché® – in true inventor fashion – on her dining room floor. After several months of trials by women of all ages and backgrounds, Catherine knew she had the perfect solution for women drivers everywhere to keep their handbags free from dirt, spills, and damage and more accessible than they have ever experienced.
A busy mom created the answer to the car handbag storage dilemma. Necessity is the mother of invention, and Car Caché proves it. To learn more about the Car Caché, click here.
Shapely hopes this inspires you to maybe spend a little differently this month. If you want to support but fiscally are unable to do so now, we understand. We would also like to remind you that there are ways to support a brand without spending one single dollar. You can share a post, like, comment, tell a friend, or simply visit a website. Let’s honor these amazing women this month!
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